What Does Your Home Say About You?

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You know how you can learn so much about a person by looking at their shoes, outfit, or watch? Similarly, your home speaks so much about who you are. It tells a story about your past, your preferences, and your personality. We created Biographical Design to guide our clients in a home that was aligned with who they were. Things like color, art, and materials are some of the key elements of that story.

The colors you gravitate to provide alot of insight into your personality. We know you're a complex person and may prefer different palettes for different spaces. This guide will give you a starting point to identify what your favorite colors say about your personality.

  1. Gold- You prefer luxury, warmth, and pampering. 

  2. Red- You're a passionate person that loves making a statement.

  3. Green- You're an adventure seeker that loves nature.

  4. Yellow- You're a positive person with an optimistic outlook.

  5. Blue- You prefer calming serene spaces.

  6. Black- You're a deep thinker with a mysterious side.

  7. Pink- You're a joyful and playful person that loves life.

  8. Purple- You've got a daring spirit and a bold personality


Art & Decoration
Art is usually the most personal element in your home. It's collected over time and shows people what you're drawn to. Here is our guide to decoding what your art says about you.

  1. An Eclectic Collection- You're a grounded well-rounded person.You've traveled the world. 

  2. Functional Art- You're pragmatic and value function and efficiency. You find the beauty in ordinary things. 

  3. Large Scale Art- You're a confident person that likes to take risks. You have ambitious goals and enjoy making a big impact.

  4. Gallery Walls- You value stimulating experiences. You love spontaneity and adventure.


Trends or Themes over Personal Style
Selecting a theme for your home that doesn't reflect your personal style is like having a nautically themed room when you never go out on a boat. It could reflect a lack of satisfaction in your current living situation. It can make you long for something other than what you have. On the contrary when your home reflects your unique personal style it celebrates you. You'll feel at home. You'll feel grateful. We created our unique Biographical Design method to ensure that we're designing spaces that uplift and inspire our clients in their unique way.

Ruben Gutierrez