Best Date Night Ever

5 covid approved ways to keep your date night alive

By Ruben Gutierrez 7/24/2020

Just because the days of dinner and a movie are gone doesn’t mean you can’t create the best date night ever. We’ve seen our clients use their spaces in creative ways to foster deep meaningful connection with their partners. Heck, these ideas are great for single folks too. We hope this inspires you to get creative and see your space in a whole new light.

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  1. The Spa Junkie

    Date night starts a few days before. Here’s what I mean. When on an airplane we all know that we have to put on our oxygen mask before we can help those around us. Similarly, It all starts with self care prior to giving to our partner. What better place to start a self care ritual than in your bathroom. Consider designing a space that is nurturing and replenishing to you. Make sure all your 5 senses are engaged. Whether you're into baths, at home spa treatments, or rejuvenating showers creating an environment that supports you is very important. 

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2. The Connoisseur

Think of the nicest hotel you’ve ever stayed in. I bet they paid incredible attention to the design. Everything from lighting, fragrance, art, and textures all come together to welcome you. You can create the same ambiance at home. Consider creating a mood with accent lighting. Use oils and fragrant candles. Consider making a date night playlist. All these things will transform your home into a date night paradise. 


3. The Foodie

I don’t know about you but covid has me cooking up a storm. I have a mild @thepastaqueen obsession. Find her on TikTok. She’s great. Cooking the meal can even be a date night activity. Consider upgrading your kitchen. Make it a place you can enjoy cooking. I encourage you to set the table. Use your fine china. Make cocktails. Make it special. Make it fun. You don’t have to be fancy. A living room Uber Eats picnic with some good Netflix binging can be a really fun date-night. Get creative.


4. The Movie Buff

It’s fun to go to the theatre or a movie but it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to do that for a while. So let’s create that experience at home. You may want to enhance your living room with cozy blankets, surround sound, indirect lighting, ottomans, and decorative pillows to make it cozy and inviting. Remove the clutter while considering your visual environment. Gourmet movie snacks and drinks are a must.

5. The Artist

A few years ago I came home with a bag of art supplies. I brought home a pair of canvases, brushes, and paint. Katie and I had one of the funnest date nights ever. We had fun creating our abstract paintings over Sushi Maki take out and wine. Those paintings still hang on our walls as a reminder of the fun we had. 

I hope you’re inspired to reclaim your date-night. I hope you realize that your home design can enhance the ambiance of your at-home dates. We’d love to hear about the creative rendezvous you create. If you try one of these options or something creative please feel free to tag us on Facebook or Instagram [@errezdesign].

Ruben Gutierrez